There's Only ☝️ Way to Avoid Saying Yes to Too Much
How to Use a Calendar🗓️ to Take Control of Your Life
“Hey, do you want to catch up and get some coffee this Saturday?”
There is only one accurate response to this question: “Let me check what is on my calendar for Saturday.”
If you say anything else like “Sure, I don’t think I have anything else going on that day,” then we need to talk.
Your first and only response to anyone asking you for your time should be “Let me check what is on my calendar for that day.”
This may seem inconsiderate or not nice to tell someone that you need to check your calendar. But tell me this, is it more considerate for you to say yes to your friend for coffee on Saturday, but then later remember you have a doctor's appointment and now you have to cancel on your friend?
What takes more effort???
For a professional who uses a calendar at work to schedule meetings, they know how important it is to have a calendar to help them know what is when.
But we think that outside of work, we don’t really need to maintain a calendar.
We all need to have a calendar.
To avoid forgetting important tasks and appointments, it's crucial to add work meetings, doctor's appointments, social events, personal commitments, and errands to your calendar.
Now I am not saying to put your poop schedule on the calendar too. Well, now that I think about it, maybe I need to block off that 30 minutes, but you know what I mean.
Here is how my calendar for a week looks on a macro scale:
Here is my breakdown on what goes and doesn't go on my calendar
Things that go on my calendar:
Events that have a set date and time.
My Class schedule
Going to my friends graduation
Blocking off time each day for activities you need to get done.
Gym workouts
Writing this newsletter
Things that do not go on my calendar
Any activity that takes under 15 minutes to do.
Brushing my teeth
Ordering a new biking helmet
Tasks that don’t have a deadline.
Make an appointment with the chiropractor
Reading ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’
Trust me, I have done that. It’s not fun.
After you start doing this, I want you to say this out loud with me:
“If it is not on my calendar, it is not happening.”
I didn’t hear you.
“If it is not on my calendar, it is not happening.”
There you go! Now go create calendar events and get your life in order, you productive beast.
Want more detail on how to get started with a calendar? Click the link and read my previous newsletter about it.